Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pairing up after prime time

If Dave and Oprah can hug and make up, so can the Sunnis and Shiites. But why waste the time and money? According to the GAO and Bain & Co's Steve Ellis, the dollars would be far better spent in a massive bombing campaign. It is estimated that five days of intensive bombing could eliminate 75% of the population of Iran, drive a remaining 15% into neighboring countries, and convert the remaining 10% to a cretinous caste of slaves. For a mere $1.5 billion, the oil resources of a country made up of terrorists and generally bad people could become the solution to America's biggest headache, namely, the problem of withdrawing troops from a country where subsequent violence might tarnish America's global reputation.


Samo said...

An attack on Iran would be a goldmine. Your Boeing stock, your Ratheon, your Lockheed Martin, even yourArgon ST, your Heico and your Moog -- through the f*in roof! Defense (as they amusingly call it, wink, wink), that's where the smart money is. --hm

Purslane said...

Please: children read this bloody blog. The word is "effin."