Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hiroshima Day on August 6

On August 6 1945, at a quarter after eight in the morning, Hiroshima was destroyed by the United States and a nuclear bomb named Little Boy. By December 140,000 human beings had died. The American attack on Nagasaki, on August 9, killed 74,000 more. Never forget.

1 comment:

Geo said...

I just finished a book called Flyboys about the air war in the Pacific. Did you know that Curtis LeMay's B29s were dropping incendiaries onto Japanese cities which were killing more civilians than the atom bombs eventually killed? Some air force analysts at the time thought they could bomb Japan into the stone age, burn every city and force a surrender that way. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens were already roaming the countryside, homeless and starving when Fat Man and Little Boy fell. In fact, the carnage was so great that Curtis LeMay wrote that had America lost the war, he would have been executed as a war criminal.